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JMPing : Jadiam Ping Command Line Utility
(c)2002-2005, Jimmy MONTESINOS, Jadiam
Version : 1.2 for Microsoft Windows 2000, XP and 2003.

This ping utility allows you to get an ok or not ok response whether your ping has been successful or not.

JMPing is by design to be quicker than normal ping command as the response timeout is set by default to 10 milliseconds. This timeout allows you to quick ping machine in a Local Area Network environnement, but you need to set a larger timeout if you plan to ping a machine over a Wide Area Network like Internet.

JMPing sets a success (0) or unsuccess (1) value in ERRORLEVEL in order to let you write batch scripts. You can now check if a machine is present on your network before launching a network request for example.

Download :

Download JMPing v.1.2

Usage :
JMPing <ip address>

JMPing <ip address> <timeout>

JMPing –n <hostname>

JMPing –n <hostname> <timeout>

-n : Resolve a hostname
-h : show the help
Timeout : This timeout is set in milliseconds and give a timed out interval whithin the remote host ping response may occur.

Moreover you can set a timeout in order to return a Ping error in case of too long Ping response.

Some notes about the distribution:
In the root directory you'll find :
Dynamic\JMPing.exe (15 872 bytes)
Static\JMPing.exe (176 128 bytes)
JMP-Bat.cmd (394 bytes)
JMP-test.cmd (61 bytes)
JMPing.exe (15 872 bytes)
ReadMe.txt(4 693 bytes)

The two files with .cmd extension are samples batch files for using JMPing.
The ReadMe.txt is this file.
JMPing.exe is the dynamic linked library executable file. This executable needs MFC runtime in order to work.

There are 2 subdirectories with one JMPing.exe executable in each one :
Dynamic which contains the smallest executable but needs MFC runtime.
Static which contains the executable compiled in static mode where MFC runtime is not needed.


Response: Ping of ( : 0 ms.
Errorlevel = 0

Response: Ping error on
Errorlevel = 1

JMPing –n localhost
Response: Ping of localhost ( : 0 ms.
Errorlevel = 0

JMPing -n www.yahoo.com 10
Response: Ping error on
Errorlevel = 1

JMPing -n www.yahoo.com 200
Response: Ping of www.yahoo.com ( : 116 ms.
Errorlevel = 0

Using of a batch file to retrieve the response:
if Errorlevel is set to 0 then the host answers within the timeout interval.
if Errorlevel is set to 1 then several errors may occurs. In this case the major difference between
a regular ping and JMPing is the timeout delay.

Two Batch files samples:


@echo off

jmping %1 %2 %3
echo Errorlevel is %ERRORLEVEL%


@Echo off
JMPing -n www.yahoo.com 100
If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto step1
If %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 goto error1

echo Bad response
goto end1

echo Response is OK
goto end1


JMPing -n www.yahoo.com 200
If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto step2
If %ERRORLEVEL% == 1 goto error2

echo Bad response
goto end2

echo Response is OK
goto end2


Execution of JMP-Bat.cmd

JMPing (c)2002-2005, Jimmy Montesinos.
Ping error on
Bad response

JMPing (c)2002-2005, Jimmy Montesinos.
Ping of www.yahoo.com ( : 111 ms.
Response is OK

JMPing Licence agreement :

Please read carefully through the following software licence agreement.
By installing the software, you explicitly agree to be bound by the conditions
of this agreement. If you do not accept the conditions of this agreement,
you may not use the software.

This free Jadiam JMPing utility is intended exclusively for private use on
a single workstation. You may copy the complete program package and pass it
to others for private use only.

Jadiam JMPing may not be used for commercial or professional purposes.
If you need it for this kind of purpose you may ask for special conditions of use
at : Jadiam.org

Warranty :
There is no warranty using this software. The author cannot be take responsible
of any damage that can be cause using this software.

Support :
There is no support using this software. You may use it as it is.


Written by Jimmy Montesinos, on 2005-01-08.